
I didn't make it in time!

I made this painting for a contest on deviantart. It was supposed to be fish related and the winner got a year subscription to deviantart!! But I didn't make it on time. I was an hour late!... :( But it still turned out nicely I think. I decided to name these two Dale jr. (haha) and Cerilion.



I'm counting down the days and starting to get reeeeaaaalllly excited!! I know I've already said that. And I know I am still working on art, but nothing with a due date. I've already started a list of possible pieces. If anyone has some fun cute or anything ideas please go ahead and speak up!! I have 52 I'm gonna have to do. I don't know if I'll be able to keep the ideas chugging out. (Is that a word? haha)


I want to start NOW!! haha

So the throw a wrench in things, my roommate and I are leaving to go back to school Jan 1st. We are road-tripping it back across the country. But we are staying a hotel not driving straight through, so I will post something. My school in on a trimester so I go to school January through July. It's kinda crazy to commit myself to this, seeing that I am going to school and getting a job at the same time. But since I am an art student we are usually required to practice a lot anyway. So, Ta-daa! haha.
              Anyway, here is a screen shot of something I'm working on right now. I've been working on it for about a week! yikes! but, only like 20-30 mins a day.

                                                       See this @deviantArt


I've decided to post a few examples of my art some digital, some photography, etc...(These do not count as part of the 182..)

you can also see more @my deviant account...

So here's the sitch.

I have given myself a challenge, a project of sorts. Every day I must start and finish one drawing/painting. All digitally of course. (I am a digital art major in college.) There may also be some photography/graphic design pieces. I will start on January 1st 2010, and end on January 1st 2011! This will be difficult for me cause I'm in school right now too. But I have dedicated myself to this and WILL complete it. Thank you for support, I am very excited about this project to expand my portfolio and improve my skills!

I will also post on Deviantart @

I am open to suggestions for subject matter. But please keep it appropriate, I am trying to compile a commendable portfolio. Thank you!