
yet again....

Our whole town blacked out yesterday. It sucked. Even Walmart closed down from it and my laptop battery lasted about 20 mins. Luckily all my stuff was saved. anyway, here is a pic I took on the road on the 2nd. It was really cool. I left the shutter open as we past a semi. cool stuff. hahahahaha

This one is from the 3rd in Wyoming. very cool. but the quality sucks cause I took it with my phone.

This is also from the 3rd. The date setting on the pic is wrong. I took it with my friend's camera and didn't know how to set it. This is also through Wyoming, just for fun pic.

This next one was from the 4th. I threw it together really fast last night cause we were still working on moving in and stuff.

Check all these out plus more in my gallery